Oil and Gas Translation Services

If you are looking for Oil and Gas Translation Services in Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Noida, Gurgaon, Delhi, Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai., Kolkata, Chennai etc then INCCS will be the one stop solutions from translation, editing, designing, transcription across India.

INCCS focuses on Oil and Gas Translation Services across metro city. Our Native Asian & European translators have Oil and Gas expertise in over 30 subjects such including Engineering, Scientific Patents, Law, Marketing, Internet, Technology, etc. Our translation platform supports over 100 different file formats including text (MS Word, Adobe PDF, etc.), images (JPEG, PNG, etc.) CAT Tools and many others.

A fossil fuel is a fuel formed by natural processes, such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms, containing organic molecules originating in ancient photosynthesis that release energy in combustion.
Such organisms and their resulting fossil fuels typically have an age of millions of years, and sometimes more than 650 million years.
Fossil fuels contain high percentages of carbon and include petroleum, coal, and natural gas. Commonly used derivatives of fossil fuels include kerosene and propane.
Fossil fuels range from volatile materials with low carbon-to-hydrogen ratios (like methane), to liquids (like petroleum), to nonvolatile materials composed of almost pure carbon, like anthracite coal.
Methane can be found in hydrocarbon fields alone, associated with oil, or in the form of methane clathrates.

As of 2018, the world’s main primary energy sources consisted of petroleum (34%), coal (27%), and natural gas (24%), amounting to an 85% share for fossil fuels in primary energy consumption in the world.
Non-fossil sources included nuclear (4.4%), hydroelectric (6.8%), and other renewables (4.0%, including geothermal, solar, tidal, wind, wood, and waste).
The share of renewables (including traditional biomass) in the world’s total final energy consumption was 18% in 2018. Compared with 2017, world energy-consumption grew at a rate of 2.9%, almost double its 10-year average of 1.5% per year, and the fastest since 2010.

Although fossil fuels are continually formed by natural processes, they are generally classified as non-renewable resources because they take millions of years to form and known viable reserves are being depleted much faster than new ones are generated.

Most air pollution deaths are due to fossil fuel combustion products, it is estimated to cost over 3% of global GDP, and fossil fuel phase-out would save 3.6 million lives each year.

The use of fossil fuels raises serious environmental concerns.
The burning of fossil fuels produces around 35 billion tonnes (35 gigatonnes) of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year.
Natural processes can only absorb a small part of that amount, so there is a net increase of many billion tonnes of atmospheric carbon dioxide per year.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas that increases radiative forcing and contributes to global warming and ocean acidification.
A global movement towards the generation of low-carbon renewable energy is underway to help reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. But in 2019 fossil fuels were subsidized $320 billion.

Our Translators Team: 

We have a global panel of native Language translators / Language interpreters and have put in time and energy to hire translators having a wide range of domain expertise.  Translation projects are assigned only to translator having relevant expertise and knowledge of the subject matter at hand to ensure superior quality and accurate translation.


Human Translation Services: 100% Manual Output: 

INCCS is dedicated to deliver the 100% manual translation at any cost.  As we understand that human always deliver the translation that is always fast, perfect and accurate in all languages. If you require any specialized document translations such as legal, medical, business, or certified Language translations to and from Any Language to English and English to Any Language. INCCS will be available for full supports at any point of time during project confirmation to delivery to the end user and it does not matter for us how large or small translation project you are going to assign us and putting the timeline’s challenges before us. Our priority is to serve the client with top quality of manual translation services as we are known for accuracy and fast turnaround in this industry.

Quality Translations Services: 

Accurate and timely translation services are very important to the success of any overseas business operations. The translation will be of the highest quality plus 100% Manual. The output will be type-set in the format of the source document along with Mirror-Image. Without quality assurance translation cannot be 100% accurate to the original text or content. So quality assurance is a key component of our Language translation before delivery the project to client and We “INCCS” is committed to deliver the translation projects after review by our QA team as well as editor/reviewer. Our QA process allows delivering excellent translations while continuously improving the overall quality through multi process.

Oil and Gas Translation Services in Multilingual

Chinese Persian Vietnamese
Mandarin Chinese Telugu
English Malayalam Cantonese
Spanish Kannada Marathi
Arabic Oriya Tamil
Bengali Punjabi Italian
Hindi Sunda Urdu
Russian Punjabi Gujarati
Portuguese Romanian Polish
Japanese Bhojpuri Ukrainian
German Azerbaijani Greek
Chinese Maithili Hungarian
Javanese Hausa Indonesian
Korean Burmese Khmer
French Thai Kurdish
Turkish Dutch Oriya
Punjabi Japanese Nepali
Swedish Assamese Pashto
Kashmiri Sinhalese