Education Translation Services

If you are looking for Education Translation Services in Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Noida, Gurgaon, Delhi, Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai., Kolkata, Chennai etc then INCCS will be the one stop solutions from translation, editing, designing, transcription across India.

INCCS focuses on Education Translation Services across metro city. Our Native Asian & European translators have Education expertise in over 30 subjects such including Engineering, Scientific Patents, Law, Marketing, Internet, Technology, etc. Our translation platform supports over 100 different file formats including text (MS Word, Adobe PDF, etc.), images (JPEG, PNG, etc.) CAT Tools and many others.

Education is the transmission of knowledge, skills, and character traits and manifests in various forms. Formal education occurs within a structured institutional framework, such as public schools, following a curriculum. Non-formal education also follows a structured approach but occurs outside the formal schooling system, while informal education entails unstructured learning through daily experiences. Formal and non-formal education are categorized into levels, including early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, and tertiary education. Other classifications focus on teaching methods, such as teacher-centered and student-centered education, and on subjects, such as science education, language education, and physical education. Additionally, the term “education” can denote the mental states and qualities of educated individuals and the academic field studying educational phenomena.

The precise definition of education is disputed, and there are disagreements about the aims of education and the extent to which education differs from indoctrination by fostering critical thinking. These disagreements impact how to identify, measure, and enhance various forms of education. Essentially, education socializes children into society by instilling cultural values and norms, equipping them with the skills necessary to become productive members of society. In doing so, it stimulates economic growth and raises awareness of local and global problems. Organized institutions play a significant role in education. For instance, governments establish education policies to determine the timing of school classes, the curriculum, and attendance requirements. International organizations, such as UNESCO, have been influential in promoting primary education for all children.

Many factors influence the success of education. Psychological factors include motivation, intelligence, and personality. Social factors, such as socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and gender, are often associated with discrimination. Other factors encompass access to educational technology, teacher quality, and parental involvement.

The primary academic field examining education is known as education studies. It delves into the nature of education, its objectives, impacts, and methods for enhancement. Education studies encompasses various subfields, including philosophy, psychology, sociology, and economics of education. Additionally, it explores topics such as comparative education, pedagogy, and the history of education.

In prehistory, education primarily occurred informally through oral communication and imitation. With the emergence of ancient civilizations, the invention of writing led to an expansion of knowledge, prompting a transition from informal to formal education. Initially, formal education was largely accessible to elites and religious groups. The advent of the printing press in the 15th century facilitated widespread access to books, thus increasing general literacy. In the 18th and 19th centuries, public education gained significance, paving the way for the global movement to provide primary education to all, free of charge, and compulsory up to a certain age. Presently, over 90% of primary-school-age children worldwide attend primary school.

Our Translators Team: 

We have a global panel of native Language translators / Language interpreters and have put in time and energy to hire translators having a wide range of domain expertise.  Translation projects are assigned only to translator having relevant expertise and knowledge of the subject matter at hand to ensure superior quality and accurate translation.

Human Translation Services: 100% Manual Output: 

INCCS is dedicated to deliver the 100% manual translation at any cost.  As we understand that human always deliver the translation that is always fast, perfect and accurate in all languages. If you require any specialized document translations such as legal, medical, business, or certified Language translations to and from Any Language to English and English to Any Language. INCCS will be available for full supports at any point of time during project confirmation to delivery to the end user and it does not matter for us how large or small translation project you are going to assign us and putting the timeline’s challenges before us. Our priority is to serve the client with top quality of manual translation services as we are known for accuracy and fast turnaround in this industry.

Quality Translations Services: 

Accurate and timely translation services are very important to the success of any overseas business operations. The translation will be of the highest quality plus 100% Manual. The output will be type-set in the format of the source document along with Mirror-Image. Without quality assurance translation cannot be 100% accurate to the original text or content. So quality assurance is a key component of our Language translation before delivery the project to client and We “INCCS” is committed to deliver the translation projects after review by our QA team as well as editor/reviewer. Our QA process allows delivering excellent translations while continuously improving the overall quality through multi process.

Education Translation Services in Multilingual

Chinese Persian Vietnamese
Mandarin Chinese Telugu
English Malayalam Cantonese
Spanish Kannada Marathi
Arabic Oriya Tamil
Bengali Punjabi Italian
Hindi Sunda Urdu
Russian Punjabi Gujarati
Portuguese Romanian Polish
Japanese Bhojpuri Ukrainian
German Azerbaijani Greek
Chinese Maithili Hungarian
Javanese Hausa Indonesian
Korean Burmese Khmer
French Thai Kurdish
Turkish Dutch Oriya
Punjabi Japanese Nepali
Swedish Assamese Pashto
Kashmiri Sinhalese